


校园新闻 通知公告

教学活动|家校共育,携手共进 Collaborative Education

发布日期:2021-11-26 10:34:37




After the mid-term examinations, our school successfully held the parents' meeting of A2 grade, which was divided into the Grade Meeting and the Class Meeting on the afternoon of October 19th.



The Grade Meeting

年级会议由我校升学指导 May 老师主持。本次会议旨在解决高三学子留学申请的相关问题。May 老师分别介绍了各国家大学申请截止日期,并向大家全面介绍了了申请大学的详细流程,讲解了不同大学专业的学科要求与语言要求。


The Grade Meeting was held by May, the Application Counselor of our school. The purpose is to solve the problems related to the application of A2 students. May introduced the deadline for applying to universities in different countries, and gave a comprehensive introduction to the detailed process of applying, as well as the subject requirements and the language requirements for different university majors. 



The Class Meeting




Grade A2 is the final and crucial year of high school. The two homeroom teachers firstly gave parents a summary of the ongoing college application process. Subsequently, they made an analysis and summary of the mid-term examination results.






After the class meeting, the parents actively communicated with the subject teachers face to face, and tried to understand the progress and problems of their children's learning in detail. Each subject teacher patiently answered questions and put forward the effective suggestions. Our teachers and parents discussed and analyzed the situation, and worked together to promote the growth of children.


继第一次家长讲堂成功开展后,为了延续这一良好开端。11月22 日下午班会课,AS 年级迎来了第二节家长讲堂——麦当劳汉堡王等连锁王国背后的秘密。这位家长的课堂幽默风趣,包含了经济学、管理学等专业知识,在座的同学听得津津有味,在轻松地氛围中学到了知识。


On the afternoon of November 22nd, the second parent lecture was held in Grade AS and the topic is the Secrets behind McDonald's, Burger King and other fast-food chains, from the economics perspective. The class contents included economics, management and other professional knowledge presented with an interesting and humorous form. The students learned economics knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere.




The parents' meeting and the parent lecture build a bridge of communication between parents, teachers and students, and make the family and school more closely connected. We believe that with the joint efforts, NTFLS students will have a bright future!