


校园新闻 通知公告


发布日期:2017-12-11 00:00:00

她细致认真,勤勉踏实,能歌善舞,多才多艺。课堂上一丝不苟,精益求精; 舞台上轻盈优美,婀娜多姿;运动场上挥汗如雨,一往无前......身为班级的宣传委员,她热爱集体,用自己的巧手装扮教室的每个角落,班级的每项活动也都有她活跃的身影。
I have enjoyed a wonderful school life in Cambridge Examination Centre. My best friends and kind teachers give me a lot of confidence, so I can win lots of rewards at school events: the first place in the 800 race, the first place in the school dancing competition, writing winner in the World Scholar’s Cup, Waterloo Math certificate…
During school life in the centre, I grown from a little girl to a young adult. As I stepping forward, the target and tasks before me becomes more challenging and I know that I need to be better than this. So I will try my best to make greater progress in the future. This title gave me inspiration and encouragement. To get this reward is my great honor.